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2021-08-31 2020-08-31 2019-08-31 2018-08-31 2017-08-31 2016-08-31 2015-08-31 2014-08-31
Basic Earnings Loss Per Share 6.42 1.86 1.90 1.73 1.70 1.41 1.24 1.00
Diluted Earnings Loss Per Share 6.41 1.86 1.90 1.73 1.68 1.40 1.23 1.00
2021-08-31 2020-08-31 2019-08-31 2018-08-31 2017-08-31 2016-08-31 2015-08-31 2014-08-31
Revenue 1,077.4 0 1,161.1 1,097.4 1,062.5 948.9 858.6 756.2
Cost Of Sales 464 0 511.1 496.8 484.4 443.5 412.2 364.9
Gross Profit 613.4 0 650 600.6 578.1 505.4 446.4 391.3
Sales Cost And Distributions Costs 154.8 6.6 158.5 139.3 134.2 112.7 101.7
Research And Development Expense 90.1 76.2 79.4 73.4 71.4 62.5 51 43.2
Administrative Expense 73.1 14 71.1 70.4 70.9 65.9 61.3 53.9
Profit Loss From Operating Activities 276.2 1.1 340.9 320.2 305.7 255.6 232.5 195.1
Finance Income 28.5 83.5 36.5 37.4 24.5 29.3 47.1 20.8
Finance Costs 51 89.4 52.6 61.5 39.3 45.5 59.9 34.6
Profit Loss Before Tax 247.1 206.8 324.8 296.1 290.9 239.4 219.7 181.3
Income Tax Expense Continuing Operations 48.4 5.1 74.6 67.9 66.9 55.6 57.2 49.1
Profit Loss 845.2 201.7 250.2 228.2 224 183.8 162.5 132.2
2021-08-31 2020-08-31 2019-08-31 2018-08-31 2017-08-31 2016-08-31 2015-08-31 2014-08-31
Profit Loss 845.2 201.7 250.2 228.2 224 183.8 162.5 132.2
Income Tax Expense Continuing Operations 48.4 5.1 74.6 67.9 66.9 55.6 57.2 49.1
Other Adjustments For Noncash Items 105 -0.1 65.3 65.9 55.6 63.4 57.7 53.9
Other Adjustments For Noncash Items 105 -0.1 65.3 65.9 55.6 63.4 57.7 53.9
Interest Received Classified As Operating Activities 0 12 0 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.9
Interest Paid Classified As Operating Activities 20.3 31 10.6 11 10.6 12 11.4 12.5
Cash Flows From Used In Operating Activities 310.8 156 298.6 302.4 283.7 244.8 221.5 176.4
Cash Flows From Used In Investing Activities 284.5 -119.6 -81.6 -107 -176.5 -244.4 -70.4 -61.8
Cash Flows From Used In Financing Activities -637.2 -45.1 -200.5 -195.6 -150.5 43.3 -131.7 -134
2021-08-31 2020-08-31 2019-08-31 2018-08-31 2017-08-31 2016-08-31 2015-08-31 2014-08-31
Property Plant And Equipment 782.1 654.8 577.8 461.5 411.2 353.3 324.9 299.9
Noncurrent Assets 2,684.9 2,246.5 1,583.8 1,449.8 1,414.5 1,307.4 1,115.9 1,090.3
Current Assets 429.3 404.7 474 411.3 387.6 407.9 328.7 284.6
Assets 3,114.2 2,853.6 2,057.8 1,861.1 1,802.1 1,715.3 1,444.6 1,374.9
Noncurrent Liabilities 1,036.3 943.3 899.7 746 769.4 694.4 617.6 531.3
Current Liabilities 451.8 916.9 360.9 343.5 264.2 290.6 226.2 186.8
Liabilities 1,488.1 1,860.2 1,260.6 1,089.5 1,033.6 985 843.8 718.1
Equity And Liabilities 3,114.2 2,853.6 2,057.8 1,861.1 1,802.1 1,715.3 1,444.6 1,374.9
2021-08-31 2020-08-31 2019-08-31 2018-08-31 2017-08-31 2016-08-31 2015-08-31 2014-08-31
Other Income 3.1 35.5 4.9 3.5 5.9 3.7 2.7 3.6
Other Expense By Function 0.4 0 2.7 0.8 0.4 0.2 2.6 0.3
Special Items -21.9 -13.8 -2.3 0 -1.4 -12.2 0 -9.7
Gains Losses On Exchange Differences On Translation Before Tax 2.1 0.2 5.7 -13.3 -7.1 2.9 -12.4 -1.5
Other Comprehensive Income 6.2 -0.9 -0.3 -12 -5 1.3 -12.7 -2
Comprehensive Income 851.4 200.8 249.9 216.2 219 185.1 149.8 130.2
Comprehensive Income Attributable To Owners Of Parent 149.8 130.2
Income Taxes Paid Refund Classified As Operating Activities 27.9 46.2 72.3 44.6 43.2 57.4 50 49.2
Purchase Of Intangible Assets Classified As Investing Activities 20.2 0.2 23.3 19.1 15.1 18.4 15.4 12.2
Purchase Of Property Plant And Equipment Classified As Investing Activities 135.7 98.3 116.3 88.8 90.9 59.7 55.1 50.6
Free Cash Flows From Used In Operating Investing Activities 595.3 36.4 217 195.4 107.2 0.4 151.1 114.6
Purchase Sale Of Treasury Assets 10.4 0 5.3 4.7 20.1 0 38 80
Increase Decrease In Cash And Cash Equivalents -41.9 -8.7 16.5 -0.2 -43.3 43.7 19.4 -19.4
Effect Of Exchange Rate Changes On Cash And Cash Equivalents 0.8 -5.1 1.8 -3.7 -3.5 -0.3 -0.6 -0.5
Cash Flows Used In Obtaining Control Of Subsidiaries Or Other Businesses Classified As Investing Activities 318.2 119.4 9.8 0 73 169.4 0 78.4
Dividends Paid Classified As Financing Activities 115.8 124.7 224.3 216.9 192.2 82.1 181.4 111.6
Goodwill 1,489.8 1,249.1 772.9 761.7 767.2 726.5 615.1 609.8
Other Intangible Assets 379.5 321.7 172.3 173.8 191.9 185.3 129.5 137.1
Deferred Tax Assets 10.9 7 7.6 7.4 8.2 9.8 7 6.3
Inventories 133.9 122.3 160 146.9 135.2 120.1 108.3 99.7
Current Trade Receivables 188.3 145.1 192.7 160.8 150 137.1 123.1 111.5
Current Tax Assets Current 9.1 4.1 3.8 3 4.6 4.8 2.4 1.9
Other Current Receivables 29.8 24.6 19.1 21.4 16 16.6 12 8.2
Current Prepayments 13.1 12.4 11 10.1 8.8 9.5 6.5 5.7
Cash And Cash Equivalents 55.1 96.2 87.4 69.1 73 119.8 76.4 57.6
Issued Capital 177.3 177.1 176.8 176.8 177.3 177.2 176.7 180.5
Other Reserves 1,448.8 715.9 620.4 594.8 591.2 553.1 424.1 476.3
Equity 1,626.1 893 797.2 771.6 768.5 730.3 600.8 656.8
Noncurrent Provisions For Employee Benefits 7.2 6.6 7.8 7.1 6.7 7.4 6.3 6
Current Tax Liabilities Noncurrent 12 12 15.6 87.7 83.9 71.8 72.2
Other Longterm Provisions 4.3 3.5 3.7 3.6 3.2 2.1 2.6 2.5
Longterm Borrowings 790.5 736.7 668.9 632.4 671.8 601 536.3 449.2
Shortterm Borrowings 162.8 685.2 96.2 95.4 29.6 66.7 27.7 11.9
Trade And Other Current Payables To Trade Suppliers 132.1 101.2 132.1 118.6 110.4 109.8 93.3 81.4
Current Tax Liabilities Current 49.8 29 40.7 44.4 39.5 25.5 38.6 29.8
Other Current Payables 105.3 99.7 87.7 84.8 84.4 81.6 66 62.7
Amount Of Component Of Cash Flows From Used In Operating Activities 276.2 1.1 340.9 320.2 305.7 255.6 232.5 195.1
Amount Of Component Of Cash Flows From Used In Investing Activities 2.4 0 67.6 0 -103.5 -75 -70.4
Amount Of Component Of Cash Flows From Used In Financing Activities -658.6 -467.6 306.9 60.5 34.2 17.5 8 27.7
Other Comprehensive Income Before Tax Actuarial Gains Losses On Defined Benefit Plans 0.6 -0.2 -0.5 0.1 0.3 -1.1 -0.1 -0.5
Proceeds From Borrowings Classified As Financing Activities 680.2 989.4 132.8 90.6 405.2
Other Noncurrent Payables 6.1 7.8 8.3 0 0 0.6 1.4
Profit Loss In Subsidiaries 211.1 135.7 135.8 138.7 137.4 167.3 130.9
Dividends Received Classified As Operating Activities 249.8 211.1 135.7 135.8 138.7 137.4 167.3 130.9
Sales Cost 101.7 92.7
Basic Earnings Loss Per Share From Continuing Operations 1.51 1.76 1.74
Diluted Earnings Loss Per Share From Continuing Operations 1.51 1.76 1.74
Revenue 756.2
Cost Of Sales 364.9
Gross Profit 391.3
Research And Development Cost 43.2
Administrative Expense 53.9
Other Income 3.6
Other Expense By Function 0.3
Profit Loss From Operating Activities 195.1
Finance Income 20.8
Finance Costs 34.6
Profit Loss Before Tax 181.3
Income Tax Expense Continuing Operations 49.1
Profit Loss 132.2
Other Comprehensive Income Net Of Tax Actuarial Gains Losses On Defined Benefit Plans -0.5
Gains Losses On Exchange Differences On Translation Net Of Tax -1.5
Gains Losses On Cash Flow Hedges Net Of Tax 0
Other Comprehensive Income -2
Comprehensive Income 130.2
Comprehensive Income Attributable To Owners Of Parent 130.2
Comprehensive Income Attributable To Noncontrolling Interests 0
Other Adjustments For Noncash Items 53.9
Gains Losses On Working Capital -11.8
Interest Received Classified As Operating Activities 0.9
Interest Paid Classified As Operating Activities 12.5
Income Taxes Paid Refund Classified As Operating Activities 49.2
Cash Flows From Used In Operating Activities 176.4
Purchase Of Intangible Assets Classified As Investing Activities 12.2
Purchase Of Property Plant And Equipment Classified As Investing Activities 50.6
Proceeds From Sales Of Property Plant And Equipment Classified As Investing Activities 1
Cash Flows From Used In Investing Activities -61.8
Proceeds From Borrowings Classified As Financing Activities 405.2
Repayments Of Noncurrent Borrowings Classified As Financing Activities -375
Other Inflows Outflows Of Cash Classified As Financing Activities 27.7
Dividends Paid Classified As Financing Activities 111.9
Cash Flows From Used In Financing Activities -134
Effect Of Exchange Rate Changes On Cash And Cash Equivalents -0.5
Increase Decrease In Cash And Cash Equivalents -19.4
Dividends Received Classified As Operating Activities 130.9
Purchase Of Financial Assets Classified As Investing Activities 78.4
Cash Flows Used In Obtaining Control Of Subsidiaries Or Other Businesses Classified As Investing Activities 0
Deferred Tax Liabilities 169.6 133.3 106.8 102.9 87.7 83.9
Repayments Of Borrowings Classified As Financing Activities 1,212.6 384.6 16.2
Adjustments For Decrease Increase In Working Capital -5 9.2 -24.7 -28.5 -24.2
Other Gains Losses 0.5 55.4 0
Cash Flows From Losing Control Of Subsidiaries Or Other Businesses Classified As Investing Activities 747.3 0 59.6 0
Investments In Joint Ventures 9.7 8.8 0
Noncurrent Receivables From Joint Ventures 12.9 5.1 0
Profit Loss From Continuing Operations 198.7 231.6 229.2
Profit Loss From Discontinued Operations 646.5 13.4 21
Other Cash Payments To Acquire Interests In Joint Ventures Classified As Investing Activities 7.4 5.5 0
Noncurrent Assets Or Disposal Groups Classified As Held For Sale 0 202.4 0
Other Noncurrent Liabilities 46.6 43.4 49.6
Other Current Liabilities 1.8 1.8 1.8
Liabilities Associated With Assets Held For Sale 0 100.4 0
Transfer To Finance Cost Before Tax 0 -0.7 0
Average Number Of Employees 0.003398