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2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31 2018-12-31 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31 2013-12-31
Basic Earnings Loss Per Share 14.1 11.5 13.01 12.14 9.81 7.70 4.20 5.20 5.38
Diluted Earnings Loss Per Share 14.0 11.5 12.98 12.09 9.76 7.60 4.20 5.18 5.35
2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31 2018-12-31 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31 2013-12-31
Revenue 3,088 2,602 2,757 2,671 2,373.9 2,201.8 2,207.9 2,180.4 2,002.8
Profit Loss From Operating Activities 401 338 372 341 257.5 229.4 134.9 161.4 168.9
Finance Income 10 8 5 5 4 3.6 20.6 27.2 13.8
Profit Loss Before Tax 393 325 367 335 275 224.6 133.4 157.3 164.2
Income Tax Expense Continuing Operations 90 74 82 70 61.5 58.2 42.7 44.7 48.5
Profit Loss 303 251 285 265 213.5 166.4 90.7 112.6 115.7
2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31 2018-12-31 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31 2013-12-31
Profit Loss 303 251 285 265 213.5 166.4 90.7 112.6 115.7
Income Tax Expense Continuing Operations 90 74 82 70 61.5 58.2 42.7 44.7 48.5
Interest Received Classified As Operating Activities 5 5 2.5 6.6 22.4 19.8 14.9
Interest Paid Classified As Operating Activities 5 12 7.4 7.1 22.1 28.2 19.9
Income Taxes Paid Classified As Operating Activities 82 104 113
Cash Flows From Used In Operating Activities 426 438 402 408 332.2 326 297.3 205.5 252.8
Cash Flows From Used In Investing Activities -302 -362 -400 -212 -165 -89.1 -170 -257.3 -265.3
Cash Flows From Used In Financing Activities -194 -92 -120 -54 -49 -24.1 -35.4 -41.6 -49.6
2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31 2018-12-31 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31 2013-12-31
Property Plant And Equipment 1,829 1,632 1,506 1,227 1,154.2 1,156.6 1,192.6 1,185.9 1,131.6
Investments In Associates Accounted For Using Equity Method 8 6 6
Noncurrent Assets 2,129 1,927 1,825 1,468 1,383.3 1,408.6 1,446.3 1,431.2 1,371.2
Current Assets 951 817 869 963 780.8 590.7 558.5 538.7 485.7
Assets 3,080 2,744 2,694 2,431 2,164.1 1,999.3 2,004.8 1,969.9 1,856.9
Noncurrent Liabilities 163 158 160 121 121.6 127.8 119 121.3 134.1
Current Liabilities 523 494 416 433 358 335.6 518.8 545.5 439
Liabilities 686 652 576 554 479.6 463.4 637.8 666.8 573.1
Equity And Liabilities 3,080 2,744 2,694 2,431 2,164.1 1,999.3 2,004.8 1,969.9 1,856.9
2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31 2018-12-31 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31 2013-12-31
Other Income 6 6 16 11 8.9 12.7 12.7 6.7 5.6
Raw Materials And Consumables Used 1,116 845 929 909 816 736.8 793.9
Employee Benefits Expense 733 694 697 649 584.8 553.3 558.3 532.2 491.2
Profit Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interests 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.2 -0.5 0.2 0.1
Profit Loss Attributable To Owners Of Parent 303 251 285 265 213.3 166.2 91.2 112.4 115.6
Gains Losses On Exchange Differences On Translation Before Tax 78 -108 53 -22 -32.1 35.2 12.2 -63.1 -68.4
Gains Losses On Cash Flow Hedges Before Tax 0 2 -3 0 -0.9 1.1 0.7 -2.3 2.7
Other Comprehensive Income 104 -107 44 -20 -20.1 24.1 9.3 -73.4 -65.2
Comprehensive Income 407 144 329 245 193.4 190.5 100 39.2 50.5
Comprehensive Income Attributable To Noncontrolling Interests 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.2 -1.1 0.5 -0.1
Comprehensive Income Attributable To Owners Of Parent 407 144 329 245 193.2 190.3 101.1 38.7 50.6
Intangible Assets And Goodwill 176 181 192 189 183.3 149.4 139.5 150.7 120.3
Rightofuse Assets 61 44 52
Deferred Tax Assets 52 54 54 46 39 49.2 60.9 44.1 35.4
Inventories 317 216 236 238 197.7 176 168.4
Trade And Other Current Receivables 468 360 358 339 338.6 294.4 302.6
Cash 166 241 275 386 244.5 120.3 87.5 78.4 67.3
Issued Capital 29 29 29 29 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5
Reserve Of Exchange Differences On Translation -134 -212 -104
Retained Earnings 2,398 2,178 2,096 1,912 1,710.8 1,549.8 1,442.1 1,388.7 1,308.1
Reserve Of Cash Flow Hedges -1 -1 -1 1 1.4 0.7 -2.4 -3 -1.3
Noncontrolling Interests 0 4 4 4 7.3 3.8 2.6 3.7 3.2
Equity 2,394 2,092 29 29 1,684.5 1,535.9 1,367 1,303.1 1,283.8
Cash And Cash Equivalents If Different From Statement Of Financial Position 165 240 269 380
Effect Of Exchange Rate Changes On Cash And Cash Equivalents 3 -13 7 -5 5.6 -5.5 -9.7 -10.6 1.1
Goodwill 102 96 97 95 87.9 88.1 67.2 65.6 33.7
Computer Software 9 13 13 13 21.1 14.4 18.8 22.4 21.4
Other Intangible Assets 14 21 21 19 23.8 27.7 31.2 27 33.4
Intangible Assets Under Development 17 12 18 13 17
Land And Buildings 860 637 643 608 604.8 581.9 564.9 540.3 485.9
Other Property Plant And Equipment 16 22 20 15 22.9 20.1 20.2 19.7 18.1
Construction In Progress 273 534 399
Noncurrent Financial Assets 63 70 75 6 6.8 53.4 53.3 50.5
Current Trade Receivables 307 247 275 274 257.2 238.1 226.3 220.7 211.1
Other Current Receivables 98 60 54 42 36.4 33.3 39.9 31.7 33.6
Current Prepayments 24 15 15 18 17.9 17.3 10.9 17.7 10.3
Current Tax Assets Current 39 38 14 5 9.7 4.3 23.5 11.6 0.1
Equity Attributable To Owners Of Parent 2,394 2,088 2,114 1,873 1,677.2 1,532.1 1,364.4 1,299.4 1,280.6
Deferred Tax Liabilities 51 47 43 51 50.7 44.5 47.7 44.6 48.3
Noncurrent Recognised Liabilities Defined Benefit Plan 35 66 62 53 53.2 67.5 54.3 40.4 27.5
Noncurrent Lease Liabilities 44 27 34
Noncurrent Provisions 16 18 17 15 17.2 14.2 12.6 30.4 26
Longterm Borrowings 17 0 4
Current Portion Of Longterm Borrowings 9 100 1
Shortterm Borrowings 1 1 6
Trade And Other Current Payables To Trade Suppliers 283 184 196 209 171.2 162.8 149 162.4 156.3
Current Lease Liabilities 19 18 18
Current Provisions 8 8 9 7 9.2 14 20 8.9 11.1
Current Tax Liabilities Current 26 25 29 34 24.3 23.7 27.2 20.8
Other Current Payables 177 158 157 174 150.6 132.4 146.8 127 122.9
Finance Income Received Classified As Operating Activities 10 8 5
Finance Costs Paid Classified As Operating Activities 17 22 5
Purchase Of Property Plant And Equipment Classified As Investing Activities 295 358 379 204 119.5 96 167.1 221.2 172.1
Purchase Of Intangible Assets Classified As Investing Activities 7 4 21 19 12.4 4.2 3.3 11 9.3
Dividends Paid Classified As Financing Activities 93 94 87 70 54.9 33.4 32.6 30.1 29.1
Proceeds From Sale Or Issue Of Treasury Shares 1 2 0
Payments From Changes In Ownership Interests In Subsidiaries 8 0
Payments Of Lease Liabilities Classified As Financing Activities 21 20 17
Proceeds From Borrowings Classified As Financing Activities 26 152 4 0
Repayments Of Current Borrowings 100 56 4
Increase Decrease Through Sharebased Payment Transactions 0 0 0
Increase Decrease Through Changes In Ownership Interests In Subsidiaries That Do Not Result In Loss Of Control 0
Profit Loss In Subsidiaries 0 99.4 78.8 0 0 0
Income Taxes Paid Refund Classified As Operating Activities 113 63 56.4 55 44.7 71.3 57
Purchase Sale Of Treasury Assets 5.2 -8 2.9
Repayments Of Noncurrent Borrowings 4 1 1.3 1.4 1.5 20.4 20.5
Cash Receipts From Noncurrent Borrowings 0 1.3 0.5 1.4 2 1.3
Amount Of Component Of Cash Flows From Used In Financing Activities -2 -3 -1.9 -0.2 2.5 -1.1 1.6
Income Tax Relating To Defined Benefit Plans Of Other Comprehensive Income -1.1 0.2 -0.2
Income Tax Relating To Cash Flow Hedges Of Other Comprehensive Income 2.4 -0.6
Cash Flows From Losing Control Of Subsidiaries Or Other Businesses Classified As Investing Activities 0 0.4 0
Proceeds From Sales Of Property Plant And Equipment Classified As Investing Activities 0 1 0.4 9.4 0
Dividens Distributed To Non Controlling Interests 0 0 0.3 0.3 0
Payments Of Finance Lease Liabilities Classified As Financing Activities 17 0